brendosapien, Author at Brendosapien Mystery Curator, Exo-Ecologist, Writer, Technologist, Farmer, Creator, Carpenter, Mentor, Student, Father & Friend Mon, 03 Feb 2025 02:09:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 230678295 Examining Natural Functions in the Local Environment Mon, 03 Feb 2025 02:08:53 +0000 As I sat quietly, eyes closed, experiencing nature in my backyard, I had a sense of distraction. It was hard

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As I sat quietly, eyes closed, experiencing nature in my backyard, I had a sense of distraction. It was hard to focus on my circumstances because of the thoughts running through my head, mostly associated with problems I’m facing personally, conversations I’ve had recently, concepts I’ve been playing with, and over it all the social, economic and political situation in the country and world. So it took some effort to really focus on the present, but at the same time I had to recognize that this is a new sense that we’ve developed, a sense of connection, mainly electronically, to this pervasive force known as the internet, a kind of collective hive-mind of humanity, cast as it is through its various lenses, narratives, and devices. However, as I let go of that more and more, I felt a sense of calm and collected pervasive awareness, not just my own of my surroundings, but weirdly my surroundings of me. I had a sense of the scene noticing me noticing it noticing me, at the edges of perception, although not by any means the clearest – as in, if you weren’t paying attention or you hadn’t had such experiences before, you might not notice it. In addition to that, I had a sense of gravity, but I realized that feeling it was only possible through my body’s interaction with my chair, and the ground beneath me, and I recalled that the surfaces we live on are pushing back on us with an equal and opposite force to that which is pulling us down, that in fact our body is in a kind of negotiation between opposing forces, and it’s only through the process of metabolism and life itself that we are able to resist becoming ground ourselves as the Universe seeks to maximize entropy, smearing the collective of atoms we currently identify as ourselves into the flat plane that separates the air above from the rest of the planet beneath.

When I opened my eyes, noticing functions, among other things, I could see my kale plants, covered in snow now, still resisting the freezing cold and carrying on. I knew that they were just as good as always, if not better, than in the spring and summer, were I to pick and cook a leaf, and that is because of the function of developing and storing sugar in the stems as an anti-freeze. Looking at some of the trees and shrubs around, I saw and recalled that what would seem barren and lifeless (the leafless maple tree for example) was actually full of life, and you could tell because of the redness near the tips of what would be next year’s leafs – I’ve been told this is where lots of sugars are stored in trees. So even as winter is gripping the land all around, the trees are performing the function of holding over, conserving energy and gathering strength for next year’s bloom – that is how nature not only survives the winter, with each passing year it grows, ideally speaking, were it not for some disruption regime (natural or artificial) interfering with its development. I’ve been told that anti-freeze in cars is very closely related to sugar, yet toxic, including to dogs who are known to lap it up for its sweetness and poison themselves. It makes me think that perhaps we could develop a vehicle coolant fluid that uses the same principles but is biodegradable and non-toxic, so as to reduce the negative effects that existing radiator fluid has on the environment. The storage of photosynthetic energy in sugars that both help the plant persist and also resist freezing in its most critical areas also make me think of new energy storage technologies, that work like batteries but perhaps chemically, such as bacteria or fungi who could be encouraged, bred or engineered to gather photovoltaic energy electrically and somehow mimic part of the latter aspects of photosynthesis in order to store sugars (or some other adjacent equivalent molecule) in a way that both maintained the structure of our technology against the elements and made that energy available on demand.

I also took notice of the hills of mole-dirt that had been piled around, some topped with fresh powder, but some which were obviously new, meaning even as the top-world is freezing, below the ground, there was lots of movement. The moles were performing the function of clearing tunnels of some of the rich subsoil in order to build their network whereby in the spring, when the earthworms are active again near the surface, they can easily access their food sources from beneath. This piling of mineral-rich soil at the surface as well seems to perform a kind of recycling service for the plants above, ensuring the delivery of fresh materials enriching the top so that it can be cycled through again. This made me think of society, including the economy and policy, where occasionally we must re-evaluate and ‘tunnel into’ the subsoil of our mythological and social structures, our programs and various constructs, in order to “conceptually aerate” them, delivering fresh materials to the surface which allows the various infrastructure (companies, governments, nonprofits, etc) to proliferate. It seems like a lack of that happening in an organic way seems to have stagnated the growth and development of our social structures, and this explains somewhat why the market has a hard time adjusting to the ecological and economic needs of humanity and the environment that we are facing at the moment. Perhaps if we were more willing to truly re-examine and refresh our calcified belief systems, we would be able to reinvigorate our society and face our challenges collectively, and this would also be a kind of technology though not a hard physical one.

I appreciated this opportunity to explore these thoughts and their implications, and I’m looking forward to further sessions.

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Post-Snow Be, Contemplate, Imagine (Biomimetic Practice Session 1) Sun, 02 Feb 2025 12:00:59 +0000 From February 1st, 2025 – Conditions: Snowy, then cautiously sunny. This exercise started as a prompt from my biomimicry class

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From February 1st, 2025 – Conditions: Snowy, then cautiously sunny.

This exercise started as a prompt from my biomimicry class to go out and do a sequence of nature immersion activities in order to connect with my senses and contemplate my greater connection with nature. I didn’t venture too far from my back door because I live on a picturesque five acres of forest and meadow and pond, and when I started this activity it was snowing, so I elected not to get covered with a layer of downy and freezing white flakes. Still, I was able to sit and close my eyes and then overlook the wintry scene.

Because I have kids and they are super active, I couldn’t simply sit and completely immerse myself as described, and that has to be okay – however, I will note that a part of this experience was the re-realization that kids are a part of nature, and humans are a part of a set of relationships we call human-environmental interactions, that largely set the tone for the experience of ‘wild’ and ‘human’ parts wherever we live. So some of this had me getting up and walking around a bit with my little ones to experience the snow fall and marvel at the world revealed when the sun came out.

With eyes closed, the first thing to note is the insane quiet when the snow is coming down – but it’s a dense quietness. There is the slight muffled hiss from millions of flakes landing all around, of course, and in some cases that takes on a beefy ‘mumf’ as a large flake falls apart to join the others in the heap. Notably the morning which was full of birdsong is conspicuously absent of all but this pervasive abiotic cacophony of silence. I say a cacophony of silence because it’s so bizarre but a dense snowfall is one of the simultaneously quietest things to hear but loudest things to experience, it is so all-encompassing. Just as I began to think this was all I would experience for this part of the journey, the clear tlok of a raven broke the riotous calm, ringing and rattling throughout my consciousness. I hardly ever hear them stop by, so this was interesting, the fact that one was here now of all times was notable. It didn’t get a response, though it continued to call periodically for a few minutes, as if having a conversation with the snow itself.

During this time and later upon opening my eyes, the thought occurred to me that this muffled ever-present hiss was so familiar as to almost be the sound of my consciousness itself. It was comforting like a blanket and it felt like I could drift into it like a dream. With open eyes, it was pretty dreamy as well, with the white blanket of slowflakes curtaining the world in thicker and thicker swaths. I saw the raven, atop the deadened peak of an old cedar across the field, and wondered, in my silly human-centered way, if he was talking to me. I noticed the outstretched tips of branches getting covered in snow, witnessed the capacity of the snow to stick to itself with an almost static bond, and had to wonder if there was some purpose to the trees doing this – do they benefit in some way physically from the contact of these small piles of loosely-conglomerated ice crystals with their needles, even once a year, or is it a psychological thing – do they enjoy it, almost like how we hold out our hands to catch snowflakes in order to see them. I catch a whiff of kindred in that moment between these beings and ourselves then realize it’s silly, in a way – the trees are always like that, they can’t help holding out their fronds like that, it’s the same way to ‘catch’ sunbeams for photosynthesis. Still, the resemblance is uncanny and I can’t shake the feeling, it comforts me almost like the sound of that ever-present hiss.

The sun comes out, shining through the snow still falling, though not as thickly now. I keep expecting to see a rainbow at the opposite end of the sunbeams and have to remind myself that’s not how snow works, though it doesn’t stop me from looking. I wonder how many other humans have had this thought over time, in those liminal moments when sun and snow happen to coexist for the briefest fraction of time. I walk around a bit, exploring different parts of the yard, feeling the soft yielding of new powder over the slight crunch of last night’s frozen layer. Some of the flakes have already started to melt on the Japanese maple and the rhododendron, which is odd when compared to the evergreens who seem to be a picturesque statue of wintry-ness right out of a Christmas catalog. I bend over and look at the sunlight through droplets and wonder at how if at all the plants and animals may experience such beauty and if so, where are the equivalent of ‘eyes’ on a rhododendron, and what colors are available to a sparrow in the prism of a melted snow-droplet. Throughout it all the raven’s continued tlok drops like a drumbeat periodically interrupting, or is it punctuating, my train of thought.

There are more thoughts than that which occurred to me, but I will have to get better at recording them all soon after these experiences because they are so ephemeral or esoteric as to have drifted through me like a ghost, still locked in that space-time of dreams, bound up in the deafening quiet pillow of a million snowflakes.

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Imagining a Better World by Connecting Micro with Macro: C. Wright Mills and the Generational Response to Gaza Tue, 23 Jul 2024 04:16:08 +0000 An examination of C. Wright Mills' Sociological Imagination in the context of generational reactions to the ongoing atrocities in the Middle East.

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When C. Wright Mills wrote The Sociological Imagination, the world was very different, yet much of what he had to say then continues to be valid today. As it’s described by Mills, the sociological imagination is the ability acquired, through studying the milieu of history, social trends, and economic realities, to see the connections between an individual’s experiences (biography) and the greater tide of social forces (history). This lets one understand how their own lives and personal history are influenced by the historical context in which their own development took place.  As such, we can see how major events such as economic recessions, wars, technological developments or movements for social justice can impact people personally – and by grasping this, we can make connections between our own lives and the world around us, and hopefully act accordingly. (Mills 1959)

This connection works in both directions, I would argue – by studying the way the world can affect us, we increase the effectiveness of our own actions on changing the world and the course of history from the grass roots, if we so choose. Though personal troubles are local and immediate, such as student debt or lack of employment, they are set in the framework of wider public issues, such as general economic conditions, or political decisions made in decades past. In this light, we can act appropriately to better our own circumstances and, through personal and public actions, hopefully better the circumstances locally and globally.

In addition to providing the context for the personal situation one might find themselves in, the sociological imagination can help explain why people from different backgrounds or life experiences respond differently to the same historical events or personal experiences. One example of this in current events is the ongoing military conflict in Gaza. While there has been nearly universal condemnation of the Hamas-led attacks of October 7, 2023, especially where it concerns the death of civilians, there have been greatly mixed reactions to the historical context in which that attack took place, and to the ensuing military response Israel has taken since then. While these may fall along political lines, they also demonstrate a steep generational divide. The extreme human suffering in Gaza has engendered rejection of the status quo in the youth, similar to the Vietnam war for the Baby Boomers. But while some Boomers who were politically active in those times do see the connections to these events and are called to protest, others are still reacting in support of an ally who they traditionally see as an underdog defending itself from outside aggression; the reactions of the elders and youth correspondingly generally reflect the political conditions when these generations came of age. (Collins et al. 2024)

Young people under 45, who are exposed to media outside the mainstream and who have a much different experience of Israel’s actions over their formative years, are much less likely to voice support for Israel (48%), compared to the 78% for those who are 45 or older. (Rivers et al. 2024) While these events may seem like distant or personally disconnected to many, for others, such as those who have immigrated from Palestine or have friends or family there, it’s very personal – and the greater context of history from their perspective is informing their reactions and decisions, even those to risk arrest or expulsion as a result of protesting on their campuses. Even if they have no direct connection to Palestine, many feel as if they have no choice but to protest, seeing a world in which such atrocities are permitted as a much worse place for all people, regardless of ethnicity. (Harb 2024)

One thing that Mills said that I believe brings a special insight to these seemingly distant events is “that Americans have not known such catastrophic changes as have the men and women of other societies is due to historical facts that are now quickly becoming ‘merely history.’ The history that now affects every individual is world history.” (Mills 1959:1) To me this shows Mills’ understanding and message of the interconnectedness of historical events, domestically and abroad, to the course of our lives and the way we go about them. Also, our shared experience as humans eventually transcends even borders and oceans. Hopefully through understanding this premise and by empathizing with those who have different experiences, we can understand each other and communicate and coordinate more effectively in making the world a better place.


Collins, M. et al. 2024. “Views on Gaza war differ by generation. What does that mean for Biden?” USA Today, March 5. Retrieved July 22, 2024. (

Rivers, M. et al. 2024. “When it comes to the Israel-Gaza war, the split in opinion is generational” NPR, June 13. Retrieved July 22, 2024. (

Harb, A. 2024. “Generation gap: what student protests say about US politics, Israel support.” Al Jazeera, April 26. Retrieved July 22, 2024. (

Mills, C. W. 1959. The Sociological Imagination: The Promise. New York: Oxford University Press. (

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The Race to Infinity – Unlocking Other Worlds and Meeting Alien Beings Mon, 08 Apr 2024 04:07:42 +0000 In my presentation, I tackled the immense challenge of interstellar travel by examining both the conventional propulsion methods currently at

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In my presentation, I tackled the immense challenge of interstellar travel by examining both the conventional propulsion methods currently at our disposal and the speculative concepts surrounding faster-than-light (FTL) travel. I began with a critical look at existing propulsion technologies, such as ion or plasma propulsion and solar sails, pointing out their significant limitations. These methods, I argued, fall short of achieving the velocities necessary for traversing the vast distances between stars, rendering them ineffective for true interstellar exploration. This discussion set the stage for the central theme of my presentation: the pressing need for revolutionary advancements in our approach to space travel if we are to ever reach beyond our own solar system.

I ventured into the theoretical realm by exploring the potential of FTL travel as a means to overcome the constraints posed by conventional propulsion. Warp drives emerged as a particularly intriguing concept, proposing a method of travel faster than light by enveloping a spacecraft in a bubble of spacetime. This approach theoretically allows for the movement of spacetime around the spacecraft, enabling it to achieve FTL speeds without violating the principles of Einstein’s theory of relativity. Alongside warp drives, I delved into the theory of wormholes—hypothetical passages through spacetime that could offer instantaneous connections between distant points in the universe. Such wormholes, I proposed, could revolutionize not only travel but also communication across the cosmos, eliminating the barriers imposed by the finite speed of light.

Furthermore, I explored the cutting-edge territory of quantum mechanics, focusing on the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which holds the promise of enabling instantaneous communication across boundless distances. This portion of my presentation suggested a future in which advancements in quantum physics might allow us to establish direct, immediate communication links with extraterrestrial civilizations, dramatically reshaping our engagement with the cosmos.

Throughout my presentation, I navigated the confluence of established scientific knowledge and speculative theory, crafting a narrative that underscored the potential for future scientific breakthroughs to expand our cosmic reach. I advocated for a multidisciplinary strategy to address the monumental task of interstellar travel, incorporating insights from quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and innovative engineering. This approach not only highlighted the complexity involved in transforming interstellar travel from science fiction to reality but also emphasized the power of collaborative innovation to bridge the current divide between our technological capabilities and the theoretical possibilities of the future.

By juxtaposing our present technological limitations with the unlimited potential offered by theoretical physics, I aimed to rally the scientific community around the mission of unlocking the universe’s mysteries. I stressed the importance of relentless inquiry, research, and innovation in translating the speculative concepts of FTL travel into a concrete future. Through a detailed examination of both the hurdles and possible solutions to interstellar exploration, my presentation sought to inspire awe and a steadfast resolve to push the limits of what is scientifically and technically possible.

Here’s the link to the conference where I presented this:

To give some examples of what could be waiting as a facet of visualizing or simulating or even visiting ‘real’ virtual worlds, I’ve included some of the renders that have come to me through my work with Midjourney AI. Please enjoy and use these at your leisure.

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Designing Gravity: Unraveling the Mystery of Pais’s Patents and the Future of Aerospace Propulsion Tue, 23 Jan 2024 21:26:54 +0000 In this deep-dive exploration, we unravel the complexities behind Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais’s patents, with a specific focus on the

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In this deep-dive exploration, we unravel the complexities behind Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais’s patents, with a specific focus on the “inertial mass reduction device”. This patent, a part of a series including a plasma compression fusion device and a high-frequency gravitational wave generator, has stirred the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) community. These patents, stemming from an aerospace engineer at the Naval Air Warfare Center, suggest revolutionary technological advancements in propulsion and energy generation, seemingly defying the known laws of physics.

The discussion then shifts to Bernardo Kastrup’s analysis. A philosopher and scientist with extensive experience in technology strategy, Kastrup presents a critical viewpoint, questioning the practical defense significance of these patents. He argues that such advanced technology, if viable for military applications, would more likely be protected as classified industrial secrets rather than disclosed through public patents. Kastrup’s perspective casts doubt on the idea that these patents are based on reverse-engineered UAP technology, suggesting instead that they might be strategic moves to influence public perception or secure funding.

The video concludes by weighing the scientific and engineering feasibility of these patents. It highlights the challenges in realizing technologies that operate on such speculative physics principles, especially considering current energy generation and material science limitations. The discussion also touches upon the broader implications of such technologies, including their potential impact on future aerospace propulsion and the balance of global military power.

Watch on Rumble:

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Warp Physics Rounds One and Two with Daniel Davis Thu, 21 Dec 2023 07:53:27 +0000 Daniel Davis and I go over some of the basics of Warp Drive propulsion and Faster than Light Travel.

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We were finally able to re-convene for this much-needed refresher and tutorial on the basic concepts and mathematics before us when we are studying the wide-ranging fields of advanced physics. This applies, but is not limited to, the various approaches to UFO flight and faster-than-light travel or “Warp Drive” offered by Miguel Alcubierre, Jack Sarfatti, Sal Pais and others. Please join us for another romp through the multiverse and beyond! Like, subscribe, and share with your friends if you enjoyed it, and stay tuned for more mental adventures on Anomalous Experiences… #warpdrive #ufo #uap #science #physics #generalrelativity #quantummechanics #interstellar #fasterthanlight #propulsion #altpropulsion #apec

*Note: I realized that I don’t think I have uploaded the first one to this website yet, so I included it toward the end of the post – maybe watch them in order.

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Restoring the Water Cycle to Heal the Ecosystem Mon, 16 Oct 2023 21:50:04 +0000 Environmental degradation has occurred in part due to disconnected water channels and man-made aqueducts, which disrupt the natural flow and

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Environmental degradation has occurred in part due to disconnected water channels and man-made aqueducts, which disrupt the natural flow and balance of ecosystems. Interconnected water systems that mirror nature’s designs can promote healthier landscapes and human habitats. Such designs, akin to switchbacks found on hiking trails, allow water to meander and infiltrate the land, promoting greater biodiversity and soil health.

Incorporating holistic and integrated planning methods, inspired by indigenous practices, can create environments where humans and nature coexist harmoniously. This approach focuses on recognizing the importance of water’s journey across landscapes, allowing for the gradual development and enhancement of ecosystems over time. By slowing down the flow, even in regions prone to flash floods, water can be directed to areas where it nourishes the soil, promoting the growth of diverse plant species and supporting various wildlife.

Moreover, the reintroduction of key species like beavers and wolves in certain ecosystems can lead to a series of cascading benefits. Beavers, for instance, naturally create dams which form ponds and wetlands, critical habitats for a variety of species. Wolves, through their predatory roles, can regulate the behavior and population of herbivores, allowing vegetation to flourish and preventing overgrazing. This phenomenon, termed a trophic cascade, was notably observed in Yellowstone National Park, where the reintroduction of wolves led to healthier forests and more stable riverbanks.

However, these natural processes often clash with human interventions and corporate interests. Corporate forces, tightly intertwined with governmental policies, often prioritize short-term gains over the long-term health of the environment. This has resulted in a quasi-planned economy that frequently serves corporate rather than communal or environmental needs.

To counteract this trend, the push for decentralized systems and regenerative community agriculture has gained traction. Solutions like open-source collaboration, upcycling, and 3D printing can help communities break free from corporate dominance, empowering them to make more sustainable choices. Embracing localized economies and grassroots initiatives can pave the way for a future where human civilization adapts harmoniously to the environment, rather than exploiting it.

In conclusion, the key to a sustainable future lies in understanding and mimicking nature’s designs, integrating indigenous knowledge, and moving towards decentralized systems that prioritize ecological health. As we strive for a balance between human needs and environmental preservation, community-driven initiatives will play a crucial role in shaping our collective future.

Alternate YouTube (in case above doesn’t work):

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Designing a Warp-Capable Starship: A Visual Deep Dive into Zero Point, Spacetime, Asymmetric Plasma and Beyond Mon, 09 Oct 2023 19:14:00 +0000 Space exploration and understanding the vast universe has always been a topic of intrigue. As we delve deeper into the

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Space exploration and understanding the vast universe has always been a topic of intrigue. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the cosmos, unconventional theories and innovative ideas are constantly brought to the forefront. One such captivating concept revolves around asymmetric plasma and its potential role in space-time manipulation.

Asymmetric Plasma: The Key to Understanding Space-Time?

At the heart of this theory is asymmetric plasma. But what is it exactly? In simple terms, it’s a type of cold plasma, distinct from the regular kind we often hear about in physics. When coupled with terahertz frequency emitters, the resonance and potential energy of this plasma can theoretically be magnified.

The exploration doesn’t stop there. By examining these phenomena, there’s potential to ‘engineer’ or manipulate the very fabric of space-time, a concept that was once thought to be confined to the realms of science fiction. The mechanics can be likened to that of a neodymium magnet. Just as these magnets tap into energies and geometries to produce force, the organization of certain materials can tap into universal energies.

Warp Bubbles and Space-Time Travel

The idea of warp bubbles was another intriguing point raised. These bubbles, in theory, allow for the creation of a ‘negative curvature’ in space-time. In simpler terms, this means creating a sort of hill in the fabric of space-time as opposed to the troughs we understand associated with objects like Earth. By manipulating these curvatures, one can potentially ‘surf’ on the waves of space-time, leading to what some might term as space-time travel.

Further, the exploration of the Planck scale—the incredibly tiny “pixel size” of the universe—adds another layer of fascination. The theory postulates that by channeling immense amounts of energy to scales as small or smaller than the Planck scale, one can effectively punch through the fabric of space-time.

Crafting the Future of Spacecraft

All of these intricate theories might not just remain on paper. They pave a potential path to the next generation of spacecraft, ones that move not by burning fuel but by manipulating the very structure of space-time around them.

The entire concept suggests a shift from conventional to harmonious and intelligent engineering. Instead of harnessing chemical energy and thrusting it out of rockets, the future might lie in understanding and utilizing the natural geometries and energies of the universe, much like a magnet does.

Concluding Thoughts

While all these concepts might sound overwhelming and futuristic, it’s essential to remember that many of today’s technologies once seemed equally far-fetched. The realm of space-time, gravity, and related physics is vast and largely uncharted. As we continue to probe, question, and hypothesize, doors to previously unimaginable possibilities might just open up.

This deep dive into asymmetric plasma and its potential implications is just a glimpse into the future of space exploration and understanding. As research continues, we eagerly await the many marvels and discoveries that lie ahead in our quest to understand the cosmos.

Some names I dropped and other sources: – Sal Pais and Superluminal Travel – Mike McCullough, Quantized Inertia, Horizon Drive – General Gravity / Antigravity / Spacetime Manipulation

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Navigating the High Energy Field(s) of UFO Science with Nonfiction Author G.O. Turner Fri, 22 Sep 2023 19:13:00 +0000 Join me on an intriguing journey as I engage in a deep conversation with Gary Turner, the author of a

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Join me on an intriguing journey as I engage in a deep conversation with Gary Turner, the author of a groundbreaking book that explores the intersection of science and the unexplained. Delve into the enigmas surrounding high energy direct-force propulsion, the mysteries of UFO encounters, and the scientific implications of neutralizing local gravity by bending spacetime. Discover how Bob Lazar’s fascinating insights are just one piece of the puzzle in understanding the uncharted territories of our reality, a road that extends to Salvatore Pais, Jack Sarfatti, Mark McCandlish and beyond, even to yours truly – Gary and I. In this thought-provoking dialogue, we explore the potential existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, discuss the role of human consciousness in the UFO phenomenon, and share plans for approaching CE5 research with scientific objectivity. Join us on this captivating journey to uncover the secrets of the universe.

Grounded in a spirit of theolocution, inspired by Curt Jaimungal and the dialectic methodologies of Socrates, this dialogue touches upon the depths of consciousness, the enigmatic world of UFOs, and the far-reaching implications of this technology.

Please consider reading and reviewing his book before it hits the presses officially, and also smashing likes and sharing this conversation if you enjoy these topics and want to blow up the stigma around them! Thanks again for your interest and support!

UFO Science: Secret New Physics, Vehicles, and UAP:

Facebook post:

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How to Grow a UFO – Synthesizing the Edges of Scientific Understanding to Understand UAP Mon, 18 Sep 2023 07:14:09 +0000 Brendan explores Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), focusing on their intersection with biology, physics, and self-concept.

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Brendan explores Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), focusing on their intersection with biology, physics, and self-concept. The work of scholars Michael Levin, Karl Friston, Lee Cronin, Salvatore Pais, and Garry Nolan, who study various areas including biology, AI, and consciousness, is highlighted. Brendan argues for a more integrated scientific approach to address gaps arising from specialization and poor communication among researchers.

Brendan discusses the “Understanding Gap” in quantum physics, genetics, and biology, and emphasizes the need for public understanding of emerging scientific advancements that could significantly impact our lives. He underscores the importance of open-source technology to avoid misuse and urges a collaborative approach for exploring potential UFO-related materials, systems, and energies.

Karl Friston’s concept of the Markov blanket is explained, representing the boundary distinguishing a system’s interior from its exterior. This idea is crucial for technologies with a “sense of self,” like AI or possibly self-repairing propulsive craft. Some individuals reporting close UFO encounters perceive these crafts as sentient entities, suggesting a potential connection between consciousness, self-boundary, and the phenomenon.

Michael Levin’s work on self-organizing systems is presented, showing intelligence and ‘memory’ in cellular entities, which function collaboratively, scaling up to create a collective consciousness. This could revolutionize our understanding of biology and potentially relates to the concept of scaled nanotechnological systems that resemble living organisms. It implies a need to examine UFOs/UAPs through a broader, more interconnected scientific lens.

In the context of searching for extraterrestrial life, researcher Lee Cronin has redefined life as a self-replicating computational algorithm, encompassing everything from viruses to AI. Life is seen as a statistical system interacting with its environment by creating repeating patterns of information. This concept expands the understanding of life beyond traditional carbon-based forms, enabling theories about life based on other substrates like methane or silicon.

Cronin’s work also influences the creation of “chemputers” – chemical auto-assemblers that utilize deep learning AI to test and improve upon chemical compositions. This technology could potentially revolutionize personalized drug production.

The potential implications extend to the realm of synthetic biology, with the possibility of creating nanofactories for producing complex meta-materials. This opens up avenues to construct biological or quasi-biological molecular frameworks with unique arrangements, possibly defying conventional physical understandings.

Relating to UFOs, researcher Garry Nolan has examined alleged materials from crash sites that show extraordinary properties. These findings suggest someone or something might be working with elements beyond our current understanding. Such materials also present manufacturing processes unknown to us.

Scientists like T. Townsend Brown and Salvatore Cezar Pais have explored potential anti-gravity technologies. While not fully understood, these theories could provide practical alternatives for achieving flight and manipulating gravity. In conclusion, this synthesis of biology, physics, and chemistry might be key to understanding the existence of technology that defies conventional physical laws. By bending the rules, not breaking them, we could potentially create synthetic biological or bio-inspired systems capable of extraordinary physical feats – in other words, growing a UFO. It raises the question if someone has already achieved this, and if what we’re seeing up there is evidence of that. Enjoy the talk folks – a better video with more in-depth videos is already on the way, generated from the subtitles of this talk and some re-working of the text in collaboration between myself and GPT4. The above text was written from a GPT 4 summarization of that summarization of the subtitles of this very speech! A new world awaits, let’s step through the door!

Some helpful videos on these topics and some of these individuals –

Curt Jaimungal UFO, Consciousness and Exotic Research Playlist –    • Ross Coulthart: UFOs, Wilson Memos, S…  

Garry Nolan on Lex Fridman –    • Garry Nolan: UFOs and Aliens | Lex Fr…  

Lee Cronin on Lex Fridman –    • Lee Cronin: Origin of Life, Aliens, C…  

Here is some amazing midjourney art that I prompted for use in this video’s thumbnail – worth taking a look at the other contenders here! Enjoy.

The post How to Grow a UFO – Synthesizing the Edges of Scientific Understanding to Understand UAP appeared first on Brendosapien.

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