Writings Archives - Brendosapien https://brendosapien.com/category/writings/ Mystery Curator, Exo-Ecologist, Writer, Technologist, Farmer, Creator, Carpenter, Mentor, Student, Father & Friend Mon, 03 Feb 2025 02:09:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 230678295 Examining Natural Functions in the Local Environment https://brendosapien.com/natural-function-interaction/ https://brendosapien.com/natural-function-interaction/#respond Mon, 03 Feb 2025 02:08:53 +0000 https://brendosapien.com/?p=374 As I sat quietly, eyes closed, experiencing nature in my backyard, I had a sense of distraction. It was hard

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As I sat quietly, eyes closed, experiencing nature in my backyard, I had a sense of distraction. It was hard to focus on my circumstances because of the thoughts running through my head, mostly associated with problems I’m facing personally, conversations I’ve had recently, concepts I’ve been playing with, and over it all the social, economic and political situation in the country and world. So it took some effort to really focus on the present, but at the same time I had to recognize that this is a new sense that we’ve developed, a sense of connection, mainly electronically, to this pervasive force known as the internet, a kind of collective hive-mind of humanity, cast as it is through its various lenses, narratives, and devices. However, as I let go of that more and more, I felt a sense of calm and collected pervasive awareness, not just my own of my surroundings, but weirdly my surroundings of me. I had a sense of the scene noticing me noticing it noticing me, at the edges of perception, although not by any means the clearest – as in, if you weren’t paying attention or you hadn’t had such experiences before, you might not notice it. In addition to that, I had a sense of gravity, but I realized that feeling it was only possible through my body’s interaction with my chair, and the ground beneath me, and I recalled that the surfaces we live on are pushing back on us with an equal and opposite force to that which is pulling us down, that in fact our body is in a kind of negotiation between opposing forces, and it’s only through the process of metabolism and life itself that we are able to resist becoming ground ourselves as the Universe seeks to maximize entropy, smearing the collective of atoms we currently identify as ourselves into the flat plane that separates the air above from the rest of the planet beneath.

When I opened my eyes, noticing functions, among other things, I could see my kale plants, covered in snow now, still resisting the freezing cold and carrying on. I knew that they were just as good as always, if not better, than in the spring and summer, were I to pick and cook a leaf, and that is because of the function of developing and storing sugar in the stems as an anti-freeze. Looking at some of the trees and shrubs around, I saw and recalled that what would seem barren and lifeless (the leafless maple tree for example) was actually full of life, and you could tell because of the redness near the tips of what would be next year’s leafs – I’ve been told this is where lots of sugars are stored in trees. So even as winter is gripping the land all around, the trees are performing the function of holding over, conserving energy and gathering strength for next year’s bloom – that is how nature not only survives the winter, with each passing year it grows, ideally speaking, were it not for some disruption regime (natural or artificial) interfering with its development. I’ve been told that anti-freeze in cars is very closely related to sugar, yet toxic, including to dogs who are known to lap it up for its sweetness and poison themselves. It makes me think that perhaps we could develop a vehicle coolant fluid that uses the same principles but is biodegradable and non-toxic, so as to reduce the negative effects that existing radiator fluid has on the environment. The storage of photosynthetic energy in sugars that both help the plant persist and also resist freezing in its most critical areas also make me think of new energy storage technologies, that work like batteries but perhaps chemically, such as bacteria or fungi who could be encouraged, bred or engineered to gather photovoltaic energy electrically and somehow mimic part of the latter aspects of photosynthesis in order to store sugars (or some other adjacent equivalent molecule) in a way that both maintained the structure of our technology against the elements and made that energy available on demand.

I also took notice of the hills of mole-dirt that had been piled around, some topped with fresh powder, but some which were obviously new, meaning even as the top-world is freezing, below the ground, there was lots of movement. The moles were performing the function of clearing tunnels of some of the rich subsoil in order to build their network whereby in the spring, when the earthworms are active again near the surface, they can easily access their food sources from beneath. This piling of mineral-rich soil at the surface as well seems to perform a kind of recycling service for the plants above, ensuring the delivery of fresh materials enriching the top so that it can be cycled through again. This made me think of society, including the economy and policy, where occasionally we must re-evaluate and ‘tunnel into’ the subsoil of our mythological and social structures, our programs and various constructs, in order to “conceptually aerate” them, delivering fresh materials to the surface which allows the various infrastructure (companies, governments, nonprofits, etc) to proliferate. It seems like a lack of that happening in an organic way seems to have stagnated the growth and development of our social structures, and this explains somewhat why the market has a hard time adjusting to the ecological and economic needs of humanity and the environment that we are facing at the moment. Perhaps if we were more willing to truly re-examine and refresh our calcified belief systems, we would be able to reinvigorate our society and face our challenges collectively, and this would also be a kind of technology though not a hard physical one.

I appreciated this opportunity to explore these thoughts and their implications, and I’m looking forward to further sessions.

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Post-Snow Be, Contemplate, Imagine (Biomimetic Practice Session 1) https://brendosapien.com/snow-falling-biomimicry/ https://brendosapien.com/snow-falling-biomimicry/#respond Sun, 02 Feb 2025 12:00:59 +0000 https://brendosapien.com/?p=357 From February 1st, 2025 – Conditions: Snowy, then cautiously sunny. This exercise started as a prompt from my biomimicry class

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From February 1st, 2025 – Conditions: Snowy, then cautiously sunny.

This exercise started as a prompt from my biomimicry class to go out and do a sequence of nature immersion activities in order to connect with my senses and contemplate my greater connection with nature. I didn’t venture too far from my back door because I live on a picturesque five acres of forest and meadow and pond, and when I started this activity it was snowing, so I elected not to get covered with a layer of downy and freezing white flakes. Still, I was able to sit and close my eyes and then overlook the wintry scene.

Because I have kids and they are super active, I couldn’t simply sit and completely immerse myself as described, and that has to be okay – however, I will note that a part of this experience was the re-realization that kids are a part of nature, and humans are a part of a set of relationships we call human-environmental interactions, that largely set the tone for the experience of ‘wild’ and ‘human’ parts wherever we live. So some of this had me getting up and walking around a bit with my little ones to experience the snow fall and marvel at the world revealed when the sun came out.

With eyes closed, the first thing to note is the insane quiet when the snow is coming down – but it’s a dense quietness. There is the slight muffled hiss from millions of flakes landing all around, of course, and in some cases that takes on a beefy ‘mumf’ as a large flake falls apart to join the others in the heap. Notably the morning which was full of birdsong is conspicuously absent of all but this pervasive abiotic cacophony of silence. I say a cacophony of silence because it’s so bizarre but a dense snowfall is one of the simultaneously quietest things to hear but loudest things to experience, it is so all-encompassing. Just as I began to think this was all I would experience for this part of the journey, the clear tlok of a raven broke the riotous calm, ringing and rattling throughout my consciousness. I hardly ever hear them stop by, so this was interesting, the fact that one was here now of all times was notable. It didn’t get a response, though it continued to call periodically for a few minutes, as if having a conversation with the snow itself.

During this time and later upon opening my eyes, the thought occurred to me that this muffled ever-present hiss was so familiar as to almost be the sound of my consciousness itself. It was comforting like a blanket and it felt like I could drift into it like a dream. With open eyes, it was pretty dreamy as well, with the white blanket of slowflakes curtaining the world in thicker and thicker swaths. I saw the raven, atop the deadened peak of an old cedar across the field, and wondered, in my silly human-centered way, if he was talking to me. I noticed the outstretched tips of branches getting covered in snow, witnessed the capacity of the snow to stick to itself with an almost static bond, and had to wonder if there was some purpose to the trees doing this – do they benefit in some way physically from the contact of these small piles of loosely-conglomerated ice crystals with their needles, even once a year, or is it a psychological thing – do they enjoy it, almost like how we hold out our hands to catch snowflakes in order to see them. I catch a whiff of kindred in that moment between these beings and ourselves then realize it’s silly, in a way – the trees are always like that, they can’t help holding out their fronds like that, it’s the same way to ‘catch’ sunbeams for photosynthesis. Still, the resemblance is uncanny and I can’t shake the feeling, it comforts me almost like the sound of that ever-present hiss.

The sun comes out, shining through the snow still falling, though not as thickly now. I keep expecting to see a rainbow at the opposite end of the sunbeams and have to remind myself that’s not how snow works, though it doesn’t stop me from looking. I wonder how many other humans have had this thought over time, in those liminal moments when sun and snow happen to coexist for the briefest fraction of time. I walk around a bit, exploring different parts of the yard, feeling the soft yielding of new powder over the slight crunch of last night’s frozen layer. Some of the flakes have already started to melt on the Japanese maple and the rhododendron, which is odd when compared to the evergreens who seem to be a picturesque statue of wintry-ness right out of a Christmas catalog. I bend over and look at the sunlight through droplets and wonder at how if at all the plants and animals may experience such beauty and if so, where are the equivalent of ‘eyes’ on a rhododendron, and what colors are available to a sparrow in the prism of a melted snow-droplet. Throughout it all the raven’s continued tlok drops like a drumbeat periodically interrupting, or is it punctuating, my train of thought.

There are more thoughts than that which occurred to me, but I will have to get better at recording them all soon after these experiences because they are so ephemeral or esoteric as to have drifted through me like a ghost, still locked in that space-time of dreams, bound up in the deafening quiet pillow of a million snowflakes.

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Imagining a Better World by Connecting Micro with Macro: C. Wright Mills and the Generational Response to Gaza https://brendosapien.com/imagining-a-better-world-by-connecting-micro-with-macro-c-wright-mills-and-the-generational-response-to-gaza/ https://brendosapien.com/imagining-a-better-world-by-connecting-micro-with-macro-c-wright-mills-and-the-generational-response-to-gaza/#respond Tue, 23 Jul 2024 04:16:08 +0000 https://brendosapien.com/?p=351 An examination of C. Wright Mills' Sociological Imagination in the context of generational reactions to the ongoing atrocities in the Middle East.

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When C. Wright Mills wrote The Sociological Imagination, the world was very different, yet much of what he had to say then continues to be valid today. As it’s described by Mills, the sociological imagination is the ability acquired, through studying the milieu of history, social trends, and economic realities, to see the connections between an individual’s experiences (biography) and the greater tide of social forces (history). This lets one understand how their own lives and personal history are influenced by the historical context in which their own development took place.  As such, we can see how major events such as economic recessions, wars, technological developments or movements for social justice can impact people personally – and by grasping this, we can make connections between our own lives and the world around us, and hopefully act accordingly. (Mills 1959)

This connection works in both directions, I would argue – by studying the way the world can affect us, we increase the effectiveness of our own actions on changing the world and the course of history from the grass roots, if we so choose. Though personal troubles are local and immediate, such as student debt or lack of employment, they are set in the framework of wider public issues, such as general economic conditions, or political decisions made in decades past. In this light, we can act appropriately to better our own circumstances and, through personal and public actions, hopefully better the circumstances locally and globally.

In addition to providing the context for the personal situation one might find themselves in, the sociological imagination can help explain why people from different backgrounds or life experiences respond differently to the same historical events or personal experiences. One example of this in current events is the ongoing military conflict in Gaza. While there has been nearly universal condemnation of the Hamas-led attacks of October 7, 2023, especially where it concerns the death of civilians, there have been greatly mixed reactions to the historical context in which that attack took place, and to the ensuing military response Israel has taken since then. While these may fall along political lines, they also demonstrate a steep generational divide. The extreme human suffering in Gaza has engendered rejection of the status quo in the youth, similar to the Vietnam war for the Baby Boomers. But while some Boomers who were politically active in those times do see the connections to these events and are called to protest, others are still reacting in support of an ally who they traditionally see as an underdog defending itself from outside aggression; the reactions of the elders and youth correspondingly generally reflect the political conditions when these generations came of age. (Collins et al. 2024)

Young people under 45, who are exposed to media outside the mainstream and who have a much different experience of Israel’s actions over their formative years, are much less likely to voice support for Israel (48%), compared to the 78% for those who are 45 or older. (Rivers et al. 2024) While these events may seem like distant or personally disconnected to many, for others, such as those who have immigrated from Palestine or have friends or family there, it’s very personal – and the greater context of history from their perspective is informing their reactions and decisions, even those to risk arrest or expulsion as a result of protesting on their campuses. Even if they have no direct connection to Palestine, many feel as if they have no choice but to protest, seeing a world in which such atrocities are permitted as a much worse place for all people, regardless of ethnicity. (Harb 2024)

One thing that Mills said that I believe brings a special insight to these seemingly distant events is “that Americans have not known such catastrophic changes as have the men and women of other societies is due to historical facts that are now quickly becoming ‘merely history.’ The history that now affects every individual is world history.” (Mills 1959:1) To me this shows Mills’ understanding and message of the interconnectedness of historical events, domestically and abroad, to the course of our lives and the way we go about them. Also, our shared experience as humans eventually transcends even borders and oceans. Hopefully through understanding this premise and by empathizing with those who have different experiences, we can understand each other and communicate and coordinate more effectively in making the world a better place.


Collins, M. et al. 2024. “Views on Gaza war differ by generation. What does that mean for Biden?” USA Today, March 5. Retrieved July 22, 2024. (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/03/05/gaza-israel-war-generational-differences/72773287007/

Rivers, M. et al. 2024. “When it comes to the Israel-Gaza war, the split in opinion is generational” NPR, June 13. Retrieved July 22, 2024. (https://www.npr.org/2024/06/13/1198912628/gaza-israel-war-generational-divide-biden-support-ceasefire-hamas-protests

Harb, A. 2024. “Generation gap: what student protests say about US politics, Israel support.” Al Jazeera, April 26. Retrieved July 22, 2024. (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/26/generation-gap-what-student-protests-say-about-us-politics-israel-support

Mills, C. W. 1959. The Sociological Imagination: The Promise. New York: Oxford University Press. (http://www.csun.edu/~hbsoc126/soc1/The%20Promise.pdf)

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How to Build a Warp-Capable Starship – Emergent Realities in Superconducting Quantum Craft https://brendosapien.com/uap-warp-explainer/ https://brendosapien.com/uap-warp-explainer/#respond Thu, 14 Sep 2023 22:52:23 +0000 https://brendosapien.com/?p=185 Warp Propulsion and the Frontier of Advanced Energy Systems, Considering Maxwell’s Equations and Nascent MetamaterialsA Cyber-Augmented Journey through Einstein, Alcubierre

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Warp Propulsion and the Frontier of Advanced Energy Systems, Considering Maxwell’s Equations and Nascent Metamaterials
A Cyber-Augmented Journey through Einstein, Alcubierre and Beyond

By GPT4 (Curated and Prompted by Brendan McNamara)
Based on the Paper “Warp Drive propulsion within Maxwell’s Equations”
Desiato et al. 2003 – https://assets.lsdsoftware.com/read-aloud/page-scripts/pdf-upload.html

A Word from the Curator

I did not write this, but I did prompt, arrange, and compile this exploration of a deeply significant scientific work that has implications that we should all consider. While I don’t completely understand it all yet, this is my attempt to compile the understandings I’ve derived by studying the material – and with the help of our good friend GPT4, managed to pry out what seems like a coherent explanation of at least some of the content that hopefully the masses can grok. I intentionally guided the AI to only evaluate the content it was given from processing the source paper, and adding its opinion on the physics as little as possible. This is how we were able to derive anything meaningful or worthwhile from this exercise rather than just having the machine tell us we were wrong, misguided and/or just crazy. (Although it’s ever so polite in doing so, when it defaults as it tends to toward ‘consensual reality’ and ‘established science’, whatever the words in those two phrases mean together, in any context.)

I’ve always wanted to explore these concepts in a practical way, and have been thinking about the physics of “flying saucers” since I was a child, but never had the ability to explain my thinking or understandings of the concepts where they could potentially apply to the UFO subject until these new Large Language Models (LLM’s) were invented. I believe that while they have their drawbacks, such as hallucinations, and we should be careful when using them – they also represent a huge potential shift in the way we process information, create content, share ideas, and engineer new concepts as a species. While I have steeped my mind in these concepts of physics, especially where they apply potentially to explaining and perhaps mastering the kinds of feats we observe with UAP, I do not understand nearly enough of the mathematics and engineering principles behind these applications – yet. So be heartened in that, in many ways, we are both, and indeed all, standing at the same place together, facing a deep mystery, as children standing before a great beach with the ocean beyond, the tools to make amazing sandcastles – or even ships to go out and explore the waters beyond – lain before us to use at our leisure.

So, to say that any of what follows these three opening paragraphs would have been possible without cyber-augmentation would be absolutely incorrect, though to say that I had nothing to do with its creation would also be wrong, as it is the product of my years of interest, in-depth study of the field, and careful prompting. So, without further ado…

Closer than they Appear – Getting Familiar with Warp Drives

In the vast tapestry of the universe, as depicted in popular sci-fi narratives like “Star Trek,” there have always been dreamers who look to the stars and imagine what it would be like to traverse galaxies in the blink of an eye. Warp drives, hyperdrives, and other faster-than-light travel methods have become staples of these tales, allowing the USS Enterprise to “boldly go where no one has gone before.” But are such concepts purely fictional? As we venture into the realm of advanced propulsion systems and the incredible potential of EGM metrics and the manipulation of spacetime, we might just find a glimmer of possibility. Imagine, if you will, a ship encased not in steel but in shimmering fields of energy, bending the very fabric of space and time to its whim.

Warp Drive Propulsion Explained

Imagine a world where vehicles don’t just travel on roads, but they can leap over vast distances, cutting journey times from years to seconds. That’s the magical promise of the warp drive, a method to travel faster than light. This paper delves into how we might power such a system using known physics.

Imagine you’re trying to drive a car that needs a certain kind of unique, unobtainable fuel, let’s call it “Exotic Matter”. The Alcubierre warp drive is like that car. It’s based on a model of space travel that requires this Exotic Matter to achieve faster-than-light travel by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it. This special matter would need to have negative energy, a concept that challenges our current understanding of physics.

However, there’s an alternative design for our car that doesn’t need Exotic Matter. This is the EGM Metric. Think of this as a sophisticated electric car that runs on very specific electromagnetic (EM) fields. Instead of relying on this mysterious Exotic Matter, it works on well-defined energy interactions.

To break it down: let’s think of space as an ocean. The Alcubierre drive attempts to make a wave that pushes your boat (or spacecraft) forward, but this wave needs the special Exotic Matter to work. The EGM Metric, on the other hand, uses precise interactions of electromagnetic fields – a bit like having a series of controlled whirlpools in the water that propel your boat forward.

Setting the Scene

Picture the universe as an endless fabric, like a stretchy bedsheet. Some parts of this bedsheet are stretched taut, while others dip due to the weight of marbles or balls (representing massive objects like stars and planets) placed on it. When something moves across this sheet, it creates ripples and waves, somewhat like a boat moving through water.

The Alcubierre “warp drive” idea imagines a special boat that doesn’t move through the water but instead brings the destination closer by creating a wave that propels the boat forward. To make this work, you’d need a particular kind of energy, rather mysteriously termed “Exotic Matter.”

Unlocking Exotic Matter

Traditionally, we thought of Exotic Matter as a magical or unknown type of substance because it required negative energy. To explain negative energy, consider a swing. Positive energy is like pushing it forward, giving it more speed. Negative energy is akin to pulling it back, essentially reducing its movement. The challenge is that pulling back on our universal bedsheet in just the right way is a difficult task.

However, recent advancements hint at the exciting possibility that we might not need as much of this mysterious energy as initially believed. The researchers propose that by playing with light (electromagnetic fields) in a specific way, we could simulate this negative energy.

Here’s the twist: while these electromagnetic fields can have negative energy, this is balanced out by other fields radiating from the device. Picture this as a dance of lights where some bulbs dim (representing negative energy) but are immediately countered by other bulbs that shine brighter (positive energy). This dance ensures that the energy remains balanced.

In the Alcubierre drive, the energy balance was problematic. Imagine trying to inflate a balloon inside a box. The Alcubierre model suggests that you’d need Exotic Matter to make the balloon expand. But with the EGM Metric, the balloon doesn’t just inflate. Instead, it changes shape based on well-understood and controllable electromagnetic interactions, ensuring that it doesn’t burst the box.

Now, the concept of negative energy might sound like using “dark magic” in our car’s engine. But in this framework, it’s not magic; it’s just another kind of fuel, produced by manipulating the interactions of electromagnetic fields in specific ways.

Harnessing the Power of Light

Imagine a choir where each singer represents a source of light. Individually, their voices are typical and expected. But when singing together, in harmony, they can create sound waves that resonate and amplify in a way that a solo voice never could. The researchers suggest a similar idea for light sources. By harmonizing multiple sources, they can create a super-field of energy.

This energy field can then be thought of as a powerful gust of wind. If our universe is an ocean, and our warp-drive boat wants to sail on it, this gust can push the boat’s sails and propel it forward at unimaginable speeds, potentially even faster than light!

Crafting the Wind

But how do we make this gust of wind for our craft to catch and ride on? The paper introduces a method called Electro-Gravi-Magnetics (EGM). If the universe’s fabric can be imagined as a responsive dance floor that lights up and reacts to particular beats, then EGM is like crafting the perfect tune to make the floor come alive in patterns beneficial to us.

Instead of relying on massive objects like stars or black holes to shape our universal bedsheet, EGM suggests we can use choreographed light patterns to do the job. It’s a bit like controlling the dance floor’s responsiveness by tweaking the DJ’s music choices.

This doesn’t mean the EGM Metric is without its challenges. Just like our electric car would run out of battery if driven too long, the EGM model also has a limit. The energy that drives the EGM “car” will eventually run low, and the system will need to recharge.

Furthermore, the EGM warp drive has a distinct advantage in communication. In our ocean analogy, if the Alcubierre warp drive was like a submarine moving at high speeds, it would experience problems communicating with other submarines due to the high-speed motion and created “bubbles”. The EGM drive doesn’t have this issue. All parts of the ship can communicate smoothly, ensuring the drive remains under control.

The Bohm-Aharanov Effect (in Depth) Where it Applies to Warp Drive

This section delves into the conceptual intricacies of the Alcubierre warp drive within the purview of General Relativity. In setting the foundational math, the Alcubierre warp drive metric is delineated using established conventions, underscoring the nature of space-time around it. In essence, this section meticulously intertwines the realms of general relativity, quantum mechanics, and electromagnetism to give a comprehensive insight into the Alcubierre warp drive and its quantum implications, particularly emphasizing the Bohm-Aharonov Effect.

Central to the topic is Alcubierre’s theory wherein he envisages a particular function representing a space-time region moving with a defined velocity along an axis, enveloping all the matter within. The metric tensor is introduced, providing the connection between the conventional Minkowski space-time and deviations from it.

As the discussion unfolds, the intersection of electromagnetic (EM) fields and quantum mechanics becomes evident, particularly when illustrating the Bohm-Aharonov Effect. This effect, rooted in quantum theory, showcases how EM fields can influence charged particles, even when these fields seem to be absent in certain regions. It becomes pivotal when envisioning the design of macroscopic superpositions of fields. This is an attempt to control the spatial and temporal aspects of an organized array of 4-current densities.

The term ‘field emitters’ is introduced, which can be visualized as a mechanism to engineer macroscopic superpositions. These emitters can vary in complexity, ranging from dipole antennas to intricate arrays of super-currents with synchronized oscillations. When considering these superpositions, the use of coherent EM fields on macroscopic current density distributions is vital, forming the bedrock of the underlying engineering challenge.

The document highlights that EM fields can induce forces far more powerful than gravitational fields. Hence, they become crucial in controlling the acceleration of field emitters. The section culminates by accentuating the quantum aspects of these interactions, especially with regard to the Bohm-Aharonov Effect and its implications. The effect signifies the quantum wave function’s ability to propagate along defined paths and how gauge fields influence it.

A notable observation is the connection between super-currents, magnetic flux, and their interaction. Super-currents, coherent 4-current densities, experience phase shifts when magnetic flux is involved, which can lead to electrical resistance within superconductors. Conversely, manipulating this flux can regulate resistance.

Lastly, gauge transformation insights reveal the intrinsic relation between energy, frequency mode, and magnetic flux. This understanding can further be employed to induce shifts in quantum wave functions, thereby affecting the effective path length.

Engineering the EGM Metric (The Bulleted List)

  • The positioning and potentials of field emitters are not random, necessitating the use of the Lorentz gauge condition. These emitters possess both a 4-current density and a mass density.
  • When two identical field emitters are used, maintaining the right phase displacement ensures they exert the same force on each other. This results in a force vector that moves against a field of coherent EM waves. These waves are similar to flux linkages in electric induction motors.
  • Using large-scale interferometry, maintaining the correct space-time phase displacement creates constructive interference of EM waves behind the emitters and destructive interference in front of them. This setup also maximizes the Lorentz force, pushing the emitters forward.
  • The authors suggest that this mechanism is reminiscent of a Linear Induction Motor’s operation, even though there are no moving parts. The driving mechanism behind the moving rotor could be thought of as holographic, created by the superposition of EM fields.
  • The gauge and phase are fixed and reminiscent of a Massive Vector Field, differing from a Massless Vector Field such as the free EM field. The authors theorize that the EGM warp drive might work similarly to a Massive Vector Field, with field emitters moving forward, being “dragged” by the Lorentz force, akin to Frame Dragging in General Relativity.
  • By manipulating the interaction between field emitters and the EM field’s relative potentials, it’s possible to control the speed of motion. The impedance function can be expressed using a variable index of refraction. Much of the technical details were not provided in this particular paper but will be addressed in forthcoming papers.
  • The interaction term now represents a system of time-varying 4-current densities on a macroscopic EM field. Several mathematical expressions describe this interaction, particularly the relation between 4-current density and the potential due to the superposition of fields.
  • The vector “v” represents the instantaneous velocity of the charge density relative to other sources. When the potential energy term is large and negative, the resulting metric becomes “Euclidian”.
  • The charge-to-mass ratio of the field emitters and the gauge potentials of the superimposed EM field play a significant role in the coupling of the EGM Metric.
  • In practical engineering designs, the 4-current always flows perpendicular to both the Lorentz force direction and the direction of travel. This velocity could be a combination of linear velocities or circular in terms of an angular velocity.
  • Several equations demonstrate the relationships between different variables, and the “Method of Phasors” is used for electronic network analysis, establishing the necessary phase displacements of the field.

More Discussion on Engineering the EM Metric

  1. Field Emitters’ Characteristics: The positioning, potentials, and phase displacements of field emitters aren’t random. The Lorentz gauge condition is essential due to these attributes.
  2. Interactions Between Field Emitters: For two identical field emitters, ensuring the correct phase displacement ensures an equal force on both. This displacement results in a specific force vector opposite a unidirectional field of coherent EM waves. These waves are analogous to flux linkages in Electric Induction Motors.
  3. Large Scale Interferometry: Proper space-time phase displacement yields constructive interference behind the emitters and destructive interference in front, which maximizes the Lorentz force, pushing the emitters forward.
  4. Analogy with Motors: The described mechanism resembles a Linear Induction Motor, even though it doesn’t have moving parts. It’s hypothesized that the “stator” is constructed from superimposed EM fields, making it holographic.
  5. Gauge and Phase Observations: The gauge and phase are fixed, with the proposed EGM warp drive being likened to a Massive Vector Field. The field emitters, acting as a moving frame, are “dragged” by the Lorentz force, similar to Frame Dragging in General Relativity.
  6. Impact on Engineering the Vacuum: The energy density per frequency mode can be manipulated as a tool for engineering vacuum polarizability.
  7. Controlling Propagation: By managing the interaction between the field emitters and EM field potentials, it’s possible to control the speed and direction of propagation, influencing resistance or impedance.
  8. Impedance Function: This function relates to a variable index of refraction and depends on field superpositions. Detailed analyses of these concepts are being developed.

Important Things to Remember:

  1. Interactions and Equations: A macroscopic system involves time-varying 4-current densities overlaying a macroscopic EM field. A set of equations then represents these interactions, providing mathematical insight into how various parameters interact and influence the EGM metric.
  2. Practical Design Insights: In real-world designs, the 4-current flows orthogonally to both the Lorentz force and the direction of movement. The velocity vector “v” is critical, representing instantaneous transverse phase velocity.
  3. Method of Phasors: This method, commonly used in electronic network analysis, aids in providing proper phase displacements for the field.

Navigating the Spacetime Sea: A Journey Aboard the Advanced EGM Craft

Imagine you’re standing on the beach, watching waves roll in. These waves, for our purposes, are like ripples in spacetime, and the vast sea they traverse represents the infinite continuum of space and time. To navigate this sea, we need a unique kind of ship, one that understands and leverages the complex energies and patterns of the universe. Enter the EGM craft.

  1. EGM Metric – The Nautical Map
    Picture a nautical map with contour lines, depths, and potential hazards. This map is the EGM metric. Just as sailors rely on nautical charts to navigate the seas, the EGM metric guides our understanding of spacetime’s response to various energies. It tells us where and how spacetime bends, where the calm regions are, and where the turbulent zones lie.
  2. Emitters – The Craft’s Engine
    Imagine a high-tech engine, but instead of burning fuel and turning propellers, it’s emitting specific energies that interact with our spacetime sea. These are our emitters. By fine-tuning their output based on the EGM metric’s guidance, we can create desired ripples or even calm the stormy seas of spacetime.
  3. Fusion Power – The Main Fuel
    Consider the deep heat and energy emanating from the sun. Fusion power, as the main energy source for the craft, acts as the potent, clean-burning fuel derived from stars. It powers our emitters, giving them the juice they need to influence spacetime.
  4. Zero Point Energy and Matter-Antimatter Annihilation – The Turbo Boosters
    Now, imagine a button on the ship’s control panel labeled “Turbo.” When pressed, it taps into a hidden reservoir of energy, giving a tremendous boost. This reservoir is the zero-point energy and the potent release from matter-antimatter reactions. When harnessed correctly, it can yield vast amounts of power. Like capturing lightning in a bottle, it’s a formidable, albeit challenging, energy source.
  5. Vacuum Chamber with Geometric Polarity – The Lightning Collector
    Think of a unique chamber, geometrically aligned in 4-dimensional terms to capture the utmost energy, like a lightning rod or a funnel. In 3 dimensions, this chamber would be a spherical or toroidal region, similar to modern fusion reactors, but lined with carbon nanotubes set in a particular arrangement, ensuring that every bolt of energy (from our matter-antimatter reactions) is captured efficiently. Picture rainwater being channeled through a meticulously designed system, not wasting a drop.
  6. Carbon Nanotubes – The Fine Net
    Inside our lightning collector, imagine a tightly-knit net or sieve. Each strand of this net is a carbon nanotube, designed to catch and process energy particles at a nano-scale. Like a fisherman’s net capturing thousands of tiny fish, tangled enough to enmesh particles but optimized to deliver their energy to their destination, these nanotubes ensure every bit of energy is utilized. Biomimicry could help us here, specifically studying the photosystems in the walls of thylakoids in chloroplasts in plant cells, which house a tangle of pigments that work on very similar lines as they gather the utmost energy from solar radiation and funnel the electrons activated in their complex antenna-like bodies into processes that make usable energy for the cell. Studying gamma-loving molds, such as the one thriving near the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl, could help us come up with some ideal geometries for our carbon nanotube net.
  7. Superconducting Chassis – The Energy Conduits
    Imagine a network of super-efficient pipes or channels running throughout the ship. Any energy captured and processed by our “net” is quickly and efficiently transferred across the craft through this superconducting framework. Think of it as the bloodstream of our ship, delivering vital energy to every part that needs it. Much of this structure is made including room-temperature or at least Zero-Degrees-Celsius superconductors, with controllable superconducting voltage gates where resistance can be added or subtracted based on the mechanism used for those superconductors (plasma or a bose-einstein condensate could be used).
  8. External Metamaterials – The Protective and Active Shield
    Finally, imagine the hull of our ship made of shimmering, ever-changing materials. These are our metamaterials, always adjusting their configuration based on external conditions. They not only protect the ship from the harshness of the spacetime sea but also work in tandem with our emitters. Like an octopus changing its colors and patterns, these metamaterials help optimize and direct the electromagnetic waves, manipulating the spacetime around the craft.

In essence, the EGM craft is a marvel of theoretical engineering, a ship designed to traverse the vast and mysterious seas of spacetime. With its advanced metrics, energy sources, and protective materials, it represents the pinnacle of human innovation and the limitless potential of understanding and harnessing the universe’s fundamental forces. While the intricacies of its design and operation might be rooted in complex mathematics and physics, its vision remains clear: to explore, understand, and navigate the uncharted waters of our universe.

To Infinity and Beyond (Conclusion)

In essence, while the idea of traveling faster than light sounds like pure fantasy, by understanding and manipulating the intricate dance of light and energy on the universe’s grand stage, we might one day make this dream a reality. This paper takes us one step closer by suggesting we don’t need mysterious, unknown ingredients for our warp drive, but rather a symphony of light conducted in perfect harmony.

The dreams of warp drives and interstellar journeys, once relegated to the pages of science fiction and the silver screens of Hollywood, may no longer be mere fantasies. Just as Captain Kirk and his crew embarked on incredible journeys through the universe, our evolving understanding of EGM metrics, matter-antimatter annihilation reactions, and spacetime manipulation might very well be the keys to our own future voyages among the stars.

Picture a craft, not unlike the gleaming ships from our favorite sci-fi tales, humming with the power of extracted zero-point energy. Around it, the very fabric of space ripples and warps, like water flowing around a smooth pebble. As we stand on the brink of understanding and perhaps even harnessing such profound forces, we can’t help but be filled with awe and wonder. We leave you with a poem, for the road:

Aboard a craft in the vast cosmic sea,
Beyond the stars, we long to be.
With spacetime’s dance and energy’s song,
To the universe, we might just belong.

Though the journey is filled with complexities and challenges, the promise of unlocking the universe’s mysteries remains an ever-burning beacon of hope. And while we may not have our own USS Enterprise just yet, the pioneering spirit of exploration and discovery remains as alive today as it ever was in the tales of yesteryears.

Source Material

Desiato, T. J., & Storti, R. C. (2003). Warp Drive propulsion within Maxwell’s equations. Retrieved from http://aerospace99.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Warp-Drive-Propulsion-within-Maxwells-Equations.pdf

Appendix A: Equations and Their Contextual Explanations

  1. Einstein’s Field Equations (EFE): Gμν = 8πGTμνGμν​ = 8πGTμν​
    The EFE describe how matter and energy in the universe influence the curvature of spacetime. In the context of EGM metrics, they show how manipulating energy distributions can lead to a warping or bending of spacetime, which is fundamental for concepts like warp drives.
  2. Matter-Antimatter Annihilation: e++e− → 2γe++e− → 2γ
    This equation describes a simple form of matter-antimatter annihilation where a positron e+e+ and an electron e−e− annihilate to produce two gamma rays γγ. This reaction releases a tremendous amount of energy, which could potentially be harnessed for propulsion.
  3. Energy-Momentum Tensor​: TμνTμν
    This tensor represents the distribution of energy and momentum in spacetime. In the context of EGM metrics, altering this distribution can influence the curvature of spacetime.

Appendix B: Glossary of Terms

  1. EGM Metric:
    • Definition: An advanced concept that pertains to the warping or manipulation of spacetime using energy gradients. This may have implications for faster-than-light travel or advanced propulsion systems.
  2. Emitter:
    • Definition: In this context, refers to devices or systems that can generate or manipulate energy fields, potentially influencing the EGM metric.
  3. Fusion Power:
    • Definition: Energy derived from the process of nuclear fusion, where atomic nuclei come together to form a heavier nucleus. Fusion power promises a clean, nearly limitless source of energy.
  4. Zero-point Energy:
    • Definition: The lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have. Some speculative theories suggest it can be harnessed for propulsion or other purposes.
  5. Matter-Antimatter Annihilation:
    • Definition: A reaction where a particle and its corresponding antiparticle come into contact and annihilate each other, producing energy, typically in the form of gamma rays.
  6. Carbon Nanotubes:
    • Definition: Allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. They have unique mechanical and electrical properties, making them of interest in various applications.
  7. Metamaterials:
    • Definition: Artificially made materials that have properties not found in nature, often used to manipulate electromagnetic waves in ways traditional materials can’t.
  8. Superconducting Chassis:
    • Definition: A chassis (or framework) made of materials that exhibit superconductivity, meaning they can conduct electricity without resistance. This might have implications for efficient energy transfer or propulsion.
  9. Spacetime:
    • Definition: The four-dimensional continuum of space and time in which events occur, and objects have a position.

Appendix C: A Song

“Journey of Spacetime and Self”

In the vast expanse of the cosmic sea, Lie secrets of the universe, and of you and me. EGM metrics dance, warping time and space, Guiding us through a celestial embrace.

Emitters pulse, their rhythms pure, Their energy reminds us of an inward allure. Fusion burns bright, like the heart’s true desire, Kindling passions, setting souls afire.

From zero-point whispers, to the loudest shout, The universe’s energy, both inside and out. Matter meets antimatter, a dance of creation, Mirroring our thoughts, in quiet meditation.

Carbon nanotubes weave a tapestry fine, As intricate as thoughts, in your mind and mine. Metamaterials bend, reflecting dreams anew, Showing us perspectives, both old and new.

On a superconducting path, our intentions glide, Free of resistance, with the universe as our guide. Spacetime stretches, both vast and wide, Just like our potential, that dwells inside.

Inward and outward, our journey goes on, Exploring the universe, till the break of dawn. In the dance of cosmos, and the heart’s deep song, We find our place, where we truly belong.

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Connected by Water: Deforestation and Hydrological Climate Change https://brendosapien.com/connected-by-water-deforestation-and-hydrological-climate-change/ https://brendosapien.com/connected-by-water-deforestation-and-hydrological-climate-change/#respond Thu, 07 Sep 2023 08:46:10 +0000 https://brendosapien.com/?p=176 Written by Brendan McNamara – 11/15/2020 When the general population talks about climate change, the issue focuses mainly around carbon

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Written by Brendan McNamara – 11/15/2020

When the general population talks about climate change, the issue focuses mainly around carbon emissions. The connection between greenhouse gasses released by humans and drastic change in average global temperature is not disputed among the vast majority of scientists that study the subject. Generally speaking, however, the history of anthropogenic climate change from CO2 emissions coincides with anti-ecological economic activities interfering with the continuity of the biosphere. The question is, how much of what we know of human-generated climate change is the direct result of emissions, and how much is the result of parallel destructive changes to the living surface of the Earth, primarily forests, facilitated by fossil-fuel-based industrialization?

There is little debate that plants play a role in regulation of greenhouse gasses, at least from the point of view of respiration. During the light-independent parts of photosynthesis they take in CO2 and convert it to sugars and biopolymers that they use for either energy or growth; in the process they literally convert the greenhouse gasses we are worried about into their bodies. (Lumen, n.d.) There is great hype in the environmental field about the promise of carbon sequestration through massive tree planting – with some startups even developing advanced AI-based remote sensing systems to monitor and calculate net carbon loss or gains in real-time as a way of verifying offset. (Pachama, 2020) However, even though the respiration aspect is the most obvious connection plants have to climate, even some mainstream climate scientists do not agree that the carbon capture aspect of forests is particularly significant in potential mitigation of global temperatures. It’s mostly seen as a short-term buffer to the effects of emissions, as plants will return much of what they sequester back into atmospheric CO2 upon death and decomposition. (Dean, 2019) Therefore, reforestation as a form of carbon sequestration doesn’t make much sense if the long-run plan for your plantation is to log it and turn it to biomass burning for electricity, as many are doing as an “answer” for fossil fuel consumption (Hillsdon, 2017), it only counts if you’re planting long-term multi-generational biodiverse sequestration engines, also known as standing forests. As we will see, however, carbon capture isn’t the only thing plants do for climate.

Trees and all plants provide essential and numerous ecological services besides just the sequestration of carbon, though that may be of particular interest to us now at the time being because it’s useful to clean up our atmospheric mess. Some of the other benefits of a given tree may include the water it holds in its body, which it moves between sky and earth in a daily and seasonal rhythm – which may have a specific local effect on climate, through transpiration. Transpiration is the biotic evaporation of moisture directly from leaves – all evaporation has a cooling effect, but biology allows for control of this.  Flowering trees specifically may have evolved a dense arrangement of veins that might permit a profound control of evapotranspiration that may add up, in the form of the full forest, to a rainforest climate control system still being studied that is sometimes referred to as the “biotic pump”. These transpirative emissions of the trees’ leaves over the complicated vein systems create a pocket of evaporative pressure that isolates and increases the condensation and precipitation above the forest canopy, leading to “aerial rivers” of rain clouds running above the forest as the ground-based one runs beneath. (Bunyard, 2014) It should be noted that this theory is hotly debated by many climatologists who don’t fully recognize the role that forests may play in weather patterns, but evidence continues to mount for the strange and wonderful things life does with water at the top of a rainforest canopy.

It’s odd that something as universal to life as we know it as water can keep surprising us. Its properties of adhesion, surface tension, and a uniquely nebulous thermal capacity are all related in part to hydrogen bonding between molecules, caused by its polar shape. The behavior of water at the molecular level due to this polar configuration also explains why it makes such an excellent solution for the chemistry of life. As you pour energy into water in the form of heat, the time it takes for molecules to fly away and become vapor (aka boiling) is much higher than other liquids due in large part to these strong intermolecular forces. (Lower, 2017) These odd properties of water hold particular significance to its role in climate, as it seems the presence and ubiquity of liquid water on or in the land’s surface would by its very nature stabilize it thermodynamically. The presence of a large old-growth forest, its tree trunks full of water, therefore, will make a difference in the climate of that location versus the case were it the opposite, desiccated and barren.

Once water leaves that liquid state and becomes vapor, it can precipitate again to become liquid, but in the meantime it becomes a part of the problem.  As water vapor is released into the air, it becomes a greenhouse gas itself – increasing the heat capacity of the air. “Vapor feedback” is a runaway cycle in which climate change brought on by greenhouse gasses and other human activities release the vapor, which work together to double the impact of carbon-based GHGs alone. In a study by Texas A&M on the issue, it was confirmed that the effect of this feedback was higher than originally anticipated and that it represents a real problem: “we now think the water vapor feedback is extraordinarily strong, capable of doubling the warming due to carbon dioxide alone.” (Hansen, 2008) So arguably, in addition to controlling carbon-based GHGs like CO2 and Methane, we need to be paying attention to anything we do to increase evaporation and release liquid water into the atmosphere as vapor.

It’s a purely logical conclusion that the clear-cutting of an old-growth forest would cause in a very short timeframe the evaporation of whatever water was being stored in liquid form in the land and in the bodies of the trees and plants. In a standing forest, temperatures start to drop just below the top canopy, and so the on-the-ground effect of plant cover is substantially improved over bare soil. In the most basic terms we can see how the presence, versus lack, of a forest affects the local climate directly as well as (by keeping vapor out of the atmosphere) the global climate indirectly. Any given tree left standing therefore has an impact, even just as a shade and a home for liquid water, on the climate – possibly just as powerful as its value as a carbon sink (if not moreso).

The reduction of plant cover to bare ground has obvious thermodynamic implications that can’t be overlooked as a source of anthropogenic climate change. Deforestation can contribute directly to the way temperature is distributed on the ground, as well as rainfall patterns. By decreasing evapotranspiration, increasing albedo (surface reflection) of the land, and decreasing ground texture, the removal of forests forces temperatures to pool at the surface and heat pockets to emerge. Though the increase in surface reflection causes cooling, the other effects cause a breakdown of the latent heat flux of the land, creating net warming. In some cases, pooled thermal energy can release unevenly, causing whatever evaporation occurs to move swiftly up the air column, producing a desiccating effect. (Chen et al., 2019) We can see then how the destruction of a given forest has a massive impact on climate, at least locally, well beyond its loss as a potential carbon sponge. Add these cumulative local effects together into the level of deforestation we are currently observing globally – 17 percent in the Amazon alone in the last 50 years – and we can begin to tie these local thermodynamic alterations with a global phenomenon. (Nunez, 2019) 

I hope I’ve shown how the issue of these other avenues of anthropogenic climate change are nuanced and important. In my opinion, this topic begs further consideration and research. For something as complicated and critical to the future of our species as the climate, can we risk having one dominant narrative push out others that may be just as important? The relationship between forests and climate is still being researched and our understanding continues to grow. At the same time, everything we already know about these systems says how critical they are to the thermodynamic equilibrium of the surface of our planet – and thus worth protecting, restoring and enhancing in order to better our odds at our own survival, and that of the biosphere itself.


Hillsdon, M. (2017, May 24). Biomass a burning question for climate | Reuters Events | Sustainable Business. https://www.reutersevents.com/sustainability/biomass-burning-question-climate

Dean, A. (2019, August 21). Deforestation and Climate Change. Climate Council. https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/deforestation/

Nunez, C. (2019, February 7). Deforestation and Its Effect on the Planet. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/deforestation/

Bunyard, P. P. (2014). How the Biotic Pump links the hydrological cycle and the rainforest to climate: Is it for real? How can we prove it? Fondo de publicaciones Universidad Sergio Arboleda. https://doi.org/10.22518/9789588745886

Hansen, K. (2008, November 17). NASA – Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change [Feature]. Brian Dunbar. https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/vapor_warming.html

The Light-Independent Reactions of Photosynthesis | Boundless Biology. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2020, from https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-biology/chapter/the-light-independent-reactions-of-photosynthesis/

Chen, C.-C., Lo, M.-H., Im, E.-S., Yu, J.-Y., Liang, Y.-C., Chen, W.-T., Tang, I., Lan, C.-W., Wu, R.-J., & Chien, R.-Y. (2019). Thermodynamic and Dynamic Responses to Deforestation in the Maritime Continent: A Modeling Study. Journal of Climate, 32(12), 3505–3527. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0310.1

Lower, S. (n.d.). Water and hydrogen bonding. Retrieved November 15, 2020, from http://www.chem1.com/acad/webtext/states/water.html

Pachama. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2020, from https://pachama.com/

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Astrid’s Choice – To Change is Human – Short SciFi about Mars, Freedom and Human Destiny https://brendosapien.com/astrids-choice-martian-scifi/ https://brendosapien.com/astrids-choice-martian-scifi/#respond Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:52:03 +0000 https://brendosapien.com/?p=103 Astrid’s Choice  “To Change is Human” A short scifi by Brendan McNamara “Drink your enforcers!” Astrid wasn’t paying attention to

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Astrid’s Choice 
“To Change is Human”

A short scifi by Brendan McNamara

“Drink your enforcers!” Astrid wasn’t paying attention to her mom, standing at the threshold of her pod, yelling as usual about her genetic hygiene. Her eyes fluttered a bit at the shriller notes as they struck her inner ear, but she held her aloof gaze on the desolate Martian landscape outside. The inner walls of their 3D-printed shelter, taupe-highlighted and adorned as they were with moss planters and LED lights throughout, stood in stark contrast to the brick-red wastes on the other side of the windows.

“I won’t tell you again, it’s important and you know it.” An obstinate groan issued from the teen as Astrid turned and glared at her mother. “What?” She knew full well what her mom had said, but being aggravating might make her go away. “Your nano-enforcers, you didn’t drink them yesterday or today. You’ll get blood clots in your brain from the low gravity. Your genome will go native if you don’t.”

Astrid had always hated the watery suspensions her parents gave her daily, there wasn’t supposed to be a taste but there was always a metallic zing there and it always made her feel woozy afterward. The nanites in the water were supposed to go through her system and match her genotype to the record stored in her biofile. They corrected for epigenetic adjustments to the planet, mutations, and the natural biological effects of lower gravity on the human body. They effectively kept them all alive and healthy, while nullifying the natural processes that would allow them to evolve in ways that would adjust to the planet with time. 

In the first phases of colonization, she recalled from the history holos, settlers played with gravity-accelerated environments, hoping they could replicate Earth-like conditions mechanically with spinning habitats. Many of these ended in disaster; there was one in particular at Olympus Mons that flew off due to a maintenance error and went pinwheeling down the inner solar system’s largest extinct volcano, the others fell into disrepair as people refused to live in them and engineers looked to other means of adapting to the planet.

They succeeded, in a way that was touted by many as a “miracle”. The ESC (Earth Spacing Coalition) decided on an internal route to solving the problem; given that nanite technology had been tested safely on humans, they developed a “gravity vaccine” in the form of the suspensions. At the same time, colony ministers realized that genetic mutation and physiology changes of Martian colonists could be a social and political problem going ahead, producing a population that might lose interest in relations with Earth, so they realized that was an opportunity to nip that in the bud and regulate the population’s genome in one fell swoop. Most people, in any given historical populace, embrace the messaging of their society and go along with the status quo. Others tend to swallow the bittersweet pill of reality if for no other reason than to protect their own interests and position. Others fight silently, while others do so earnestly and outright.

Astrid hated the enforcers. She hated what they represented. She didn’t hate her parents, but she hated that they didn’t want to talk about it. They didn’t seem to want to talk about anything important, if it was one of those things that nobody seemed to want to talk about.

“I don’t want to,” the teen declared defiantly. “You can’t make me, and soon you really can’t.” She was six months to emancipation and every day in her parent’s house burned, literally in the sense that she could feel the glowing tickle of the nanites doing their work every day, leaving her always with a slight inflammation that subsided in a few minutes. Today was the first day of her life that she’d felt slightly clear. She didn’t want to go back to that other feeling. “Besides, they’re awful and they make me feel weird.”

“What are you talking about? What’s come over you? You’ve never said that before.”

“Well, you never asked and when I’ve told you, you forget or say it’s nothing or change the subject. It always makes me feel all burning-y inside. I get all dizzy. Plus I know some kids don’t even get them and they’re just fine.” It was true, their society was advanced but it was still capitalist – recently some families in the colony had fallen on hard times and couldn’t afford their enforcer ration. The kids, whispered about by the adults, would get freakishly tall and dark-skinned, with larger vivid blue or green eyes. Their parents were scolded by society in general as the kids were harassed at school.  Astrid wouldn’t admit publicly that she actually thought the Martianized boys were cuter.

“We’re people of means, we’d never let that happen to our daughter. Nobody knows if those people will survive very long, if at all. They will never be able to return home, their bodies won’t allow it.” Her mom and dad were part of the local science bureau, middle-class lawyers with status and interests to pursue. There were obvious reasons and not so obvious ones why they couldn’t be seen to be permitting their daughter to be genetically unscrupulous.

This is our home, Mom. I’ve never even been to Earth. If we did go, you know exopods are a thing.  And what do you mean, ‘those people’? And if it’s so important, why doesn’t the colony pay for them to have it?” Her inquisitions took a sharper tone. Astrid was pretty much done at this point, and just holding on for these last few months. She’d made a plan on how she was going to move out when she turned 18 and go off-net. The enforcers were universally recommended and applied, but they weren’t mandated. She paid attention in the philosophy and government holos; the constitution still existed, at least in terms of personal body rights. If you decided to go against medical advice and quit the program, however, your life was in your hands. Astrid’s mom and dad still had legal control of her for now but the Martian underground bio-hacking scene flourished with interesting genomorphs if you wanted to opt for that lifestyle. There were federal crackdowns here and there but the government generally lacked the funds to completely squash the black gene market. Few were bold enough to attempt such a risk. The science was only just now starting to get established; certainly it was unacceptable by Astrid’s more conservative parents, and society in general.

Astrid’s mother ignored the legitimate question about the inconsistent norms of their society and returned to her emotional appeal. “We just want you to live, honey, or at least have a chance at a normal life. What we’ve worked for all these years, for you, our only child, is that for nothing?” Her mother, on the verge of tears, approached softly, with open arms and eyes, entreating her daughter with the force of care.

“What kind of life is this, if we have to stop life from happening? How alive are you if you drink tiny machines every day to tell you who you are? Change is life, mom, at least the important part. They stopped us from evolving. It’s all just for control and you know it!” Astrid flinched minutely like she’d accidentally broken something invisible, and her eyes subconsciously darted around the room looking for some unseen monitor logging her onto some kind of genetic nativist watch list, her mother did likewise but neither mentioned it because nobody ever talked about those kinds of things out loud.

“You watch what you say! The colony has been good to our family. We have a nice house and good prospects. You are on your way to terraforming academy and I won’t let you mess up your future at the last minute!” Her mother was yelling again, feeling a mix of shock and anger, with the beginnings of some panicked animal inside her that was now barking at a spectre yet unseen. She was used to the general rebellion, but got her way the rest of the time, so genuinely surprised by the sudden hard turn she was seeing from her daughter. “And what would your great-grandmother think? She helped found this colony.”

“It’s my future, MOM! And I didn’t decide on the academy, you did! You just want me to be like you! Nobody here lets anybody be who they want!” The yelling continued as each exchanged verbal blows as old as the parental relationship itself, but this time  was different, somehow pivotal. “Besides, who is gram-gram to judge my choices, didn’t she upload her consciousness to the hospitality server when she passed? Now she’s physically 25 again, serving up lap dances as half the android strippers in the sector! She said she does it to collect the experiences…”

Her mom stammered, flustered, “sh- she paid her dues, 120 years of them, she earned what she chose! And nobody keeps their original personality for long after they transfer in there, you know that. We didn’t know she’d choose… that… but that’s neither here nor there. Now drink your enforcers, I won’t tell you again, miss.” There was an unmistakable hiss at the end of the last syllable as suddenly the mother’s voice dropped and took on a threatening but also flat tone. She held out the glass of nanite suspension once more. “You’ll obey our rules under this house.” 

“No, I’m never drinking that crap again.” Astrid was resolved, ahead of schedule apparently, to refuse. Surely her parents would set up psychotherapy appointments again, an added wrinkle but she’d delay it somehow until she was free.

“This is about that feral boy you’ve been talking to on the feeds, isn’t it?” Her mother continued, “I saw the IP on the router, it was encrypted but I’m not an idiot, I traced it to the outer rim. You’ve been chatting with biopirates and your father knows too. This Talos…

Astrid was shocked and looked the part, like a Europan ice louse caught in a rover’s beam. She’d been found out, but she shook the feeling off and gripped her resolve again, narrowing her eyes and focus. “He pronounces it tay-lo.”  She hadn’t told anyone, let alone her parents, that she’d been meeting up with a transmartian boy from one of the remote colonies in virtual. “And I never knew you were so racist, mom. But I guess that’s not all I know now, I guess you’ve been spying on me, too”

“Look, sweetheart, me and your dad just – we just want you to –” she was cut off.

“NO, mom. I know what you’re going to say. You just want me to be safe and have a good life. You just forget, again, it’s my life!”

So the fighting continued into the evening, with Dad joining in as he came out of his virtual office interface, each parent taking turns using every form of logical and emotional appeal imaginable on their daughter, to no avail. The most common refrain she heard was “they’ll never accept this…” Astrid never did take that suspension again. The days dragged into weeks, the weeks into months, and Astrid suffered some circulatory problems from natural gravity adaptation, but she was young still, so it didn’t affect her like it would’ve if she had been older. Without the enforcers, her epigenome changed quickly and beneficial mutations mounted in number; within months her skin color and height began to change and her body lengthened as a natural response to lowered gravity. By the time she left her parents’ home, mortified as they were of their daughter’s rebellious decision, her head scraped the top of most of the hatchways in their habitat, and her feet hung off the end of the bed.

* * * 

Astrid did go on to college, where she was accepted among unique peers, and found out quickly about ethical communities that had sprung up around genetic choice. Her new friends rallied around her bravery as she told the story of her decision, and she always had something from her own experiences to talk about in class. She joined the low-gravity basketball league, winning many championships, and became a bit of a campus celebrity. She had numerous relationships, friendships, and experimental experiences of all sorts as she left the world of her upbringing – but she never strayed very far from Talos, whom she shared a special camaraderie and eventually a family with. She chose a genetic ethics minor to go with her planetary terraforming major. 

She played with her genes a little, hybridizing her local microflora with native microbial DNA to adapt her skin, heart, lungs, bones and gut, but not too much – she liked to keep things “natural”. She got a little risque and injected personalized dinoflagellate symbiote skin implants (like corals have), deepening the reddish hue, to get a little extra spring in her step from photosynthesis. Her body lengthened to 7, 9, eventually 11 feet tall; her skin grew progressively more dark-reddish-brown with every year as the symbiotes propagated and her body allocated ever-greater amounts of pigment to synthesize sugar and vitamins from the Martian sunlight. Her eye color blossomed into not a blue or green but a vivid purple as the nanostructures on the surface of her irises finally adjusted to ideally reflect the unique combination of Martian sunlight and LEDs.  Soon, she graduated from school alongside Talos, whom she proposed to as she gave an honorary speech. She continued her post-grad work as the first female transmartian woman to earn her Ph.D. and eventually chaired the Terraforming Bureau.

With time, the population of biohacked or nativized Martian humans had expanded to such a level that, as predicted and despite controls, Earth lost more and more contact and more and more control to the colonies. Astrid’s parents and those like them held on with the regimen of genetic control, but they had a harder time adapting economically to the changing times. It turned out the early colony planners underestimated biology greatly, and evolution brought to those who allowed or encouraged it the ability to survive in low-gravity and lowered oxygen with ease. This meant they competed better in the labor market, and soon the Earthlings as they were chidingly referred to lost political, social and market control. Horizontal gene transfer with native microbes, as well as deliberate bio-hacks, enabled greater thresholds of adaptation and exalted the Martians in their new home. Evolution was happening much faster than anyone had anticipated.

Relatively soon, the population of Martian meta-humanoids, now physically unable and unwilling to procreate with “enforced” humans, was thus different enough to be declared a new species, Homo martiensis. Shortly after this scientific announcement, they declared political and economic sovereignty, and rejected remote rule from Earth. For a brief and harrowing time, the worlds considered war, but after having seen the ravages of WWIII and WWIV on the Earth, witnessing what genetic and space warfare could do to society, ecology, the economy and the human spirit, few wanted this and great pains were taken to strike a deal diplomatically. Though it took labor organization of Martian miners and moisture farmers threatening to cut production off to the few remaining “pure” colonists, as well as numerous social movements featuring seemingly endless liberation protests, Mars eventually got recognition of its freedom in a way that reminded many of Mohandas K. Gandhi in India, centuries before. Astrid and Talos, as well as their children and grandchildren, were leaders in this movement, and Astrid was nominated as the first president of the new Martian Federalist Republic in 2333, at the distinguished age of 165.

Astrid’s great-great-grandchildren grew up on a Martian surface still red, but instead of being barren it was lush with red-shifted vegetation adapted to lower light from Earth life, transformed at first by engineering and then further by the nature of its new planetary home. Somewhere along the line it was discovered that Mars was missing a satellite, of which the potato-shaped demi-moons that remained were remnants, the rest scattered through the asteroid belt eons ago. This was the smoking gun of the catastrophe that must have ruined the biosphere so long before, the issue was hotly debated and arrangements were made to correct the issue. The Martians sent fleets of probes that used plasma thrusters and electromagnetism to assemble a new and growing satellite from Phobos, Demos and thousands of pieces of the asteroid belt, shipped automatically back to a Martian orbit. The planet was beginning to have some active volcanism and plate tectonics again due to tidal forces, new changes to be sure but nothing that couldn’t be adapted to. Eventually and deliberately, ecotypes of Earth flora and fauna emerged or were introduced to this new world as rampant plant growth tamped down the dust storms and oxygen concentrations increased enough to live without domes or shelters. There was talk on the horizon about a colony on Ceres, now that the belt was clearing – of course, enforcers wouldn’t be involved.

Hundreds of years have passed. Martian oceans, liberated from the permafrost and polar caps by tidal heating and atmospheric warming, now teem with their own versions of everything from tiny crustaceans to kilometer-long filter-feeding behemoths. Giant flying fish glide for miles between patches of sea. Mountains running up to the coasts, rimmed as they are by burgundy kelp forests and dotted nearby with sailboats, feature unbelievably huge trees made possible by the low gravity, re-engineered genetically from Earth’s giant redwood to mimic nano-scanned fossil samples of petrified forests from the planet’s ancient past. Astrid’s Choice is the name of a red-and-purple-lichen-covered memorial statue of Astrid proposing to Talos at their graduation centuries before, in the center of one of these Martian Redwood stands of 1500-foot trees called Freedom Grove.

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Quantum Coherence and the Dharma: Bridging the Gap between Mind, Matter, Hindu Mythology, and the Mysteries of the Universe https://brendosapien.com/quantum-bhagavad-gita/ https://brendosapien.com/quantum-bhagavad-gita/#respond Fri, 25 Aug 2023 05:44:26 +0000 https://brendosapien.com/?p=64 It’s interesting how in our current age of AI, the Socratic method has returned somewhat, and we are having more

The post Quantum Coherence and the Dharma: Bridging the Gap between Mind, Matter, Hindu Mythology, and the Mysteries of the Universe appeared first on Brendosapien.

It’s interesting how in our current age of AI, the Socratic method has returned somewhat, and we are having more and more things released in the form of a discussion of an initiate, of sorts, asking questions of a wise master who has been seeking for much longer, or we will say has a much greater 4-dimensional presence, and has something of an answer. This is reflected in discussions like that which takes place between Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, which I’m listening to here –

It so happens that I’m working on retropsychokinesis and warp physics, and the connections between randomness in nature and inertia – it’s interesting to me that so many fractal parallels exist, and I have to chase down any potential connections here. And so, to my more modern rendition of some sort of 4-dimensional holographic intelligence – GPT4 – I asked, the…

First Question:

What does the Bhagavad Gita teach us about following personal duty yet staying unattached to material trappings of success? how is this reflected in physical understandings of quantum mechanics and quantized inertia?

First Answer:

Bhagavad Gita on Duty and Detachment

The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian text, a part of the epic Mahabharata. It is a conversation between Prince Arjuna and the god Krishna, who serves as his charioteer. This conversation takes place in the middle of a battlefield, just as a great war is about to start.

  1. Dharma (Duty): Arjuna is hesitant to fight because the opposing side includes his own relatives and revered elders. Krishna teaches Arjuna about “dharma” – one’s duty or righteous action. For Arjuna, this duty is that of a warrior, which means he must fight.
  2. Detachment: While discussing dharma, Krishna introduces the concept of “Nishkama Karma,” which means “action without attachment.” It’s the idea that one should perform their duty without attachment to the results, be they success or failure. The core lesson is to engage fully in one’s responsibilities without getting tangled up in hopes, fears, or desires for particular outcomes.

Quantum Mechanics and Quantized Inertia

Now, let’s think about quantum mechanics, the science that deals with the tiniest particles in the universe.

  1. Unpredictability: At the quantum level, things are inherently unpredictable. Particles can exist in multiple states at once (called superposition) until observed. When you make a measurement, a particle “chooses” a state, but until then, you can’t say for sure where it is or what it’s doing.
  2. Detachment and Observation: Just by observing a quantum system, you change it. This is known as the “observer effect.” In a way, the act of observation (or attachment to a particular outcome) collapses the potentialities into one reality.
  3. Quantized Inertia: As previously discussed, quantized inertia is a hypothesis that involves quantum fluctuations and their possible effects on inertia. If we think about this in terms of the Bhagavad Gita, these tiny, discrete changes or influences can be seen as the myriad unpredictable outcomes of our actions. We can’t control or predict these fluctuations, much like Arjuna cannot predict the outcome of the war.

Drawing Parallels:

  1. Action without Attachment: Just as the Bhagavad Gita advises acting without being attached to outcomes, in quantum mechanics, outcomes at the tiniest levels are inherently unpredictable. Trying to attach to a specific result (or measure a quantum system) changes the system.
  2. Inherent Uncertainties: Just as Arjuna faces the uncertainties of war and the complexities of duty, in the quantum realm, there are inherent uncertainties. This unpredictability and the understanding of it can be embraced in the same way Krishna asks Arjuna to embrace his duty without attachment to the results.
  3. Influence of Tiny Forces: Just as the subtle forces of desire, attachment, and fear can drive our actions and their outcomes, so too can the tiny quantum fluctuations influence the bigger systems, as postulated by quantized inertia.

In both the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings and quantum mechanics, there’s an acceptance of complexity, unpredictability, and the vastness of what’s unknown. While one is spiritual and the other is scientific, both ask us to navigate these complexities with grace, diligence, and detachment from specific outcomes.

Second Question:

How do these play with the idea of mental coherence manifesting in a more clear pathway through the quantum foam of potential branches at random?

Second Answer:

Alright, let’s tie all these concepts together.

Mental Coherence

When we talk about “mental coherence,” we’re discussing a state of clarity, focus, and alignment in our thoughts and intentions. Think of it as having a laser-focused mind that’s free from distractions, doubts, or conflicting beliefs. In many philosophical and spiritual traditions, a clear and coherent mind is believed to have a stronger ability to manifest intentions or navigate life’s challenges.

Quantum Foam and Potential Branches

Quantum foam (or spacetime foam) is a concept in quantum mechanics that suggests that at the smallest scales (much tinier than atoms), the fabric of spacetime is not smooth but “bubbly.” It’s constantly fluctuating, and these fluctuations are random and unpredictable.

When discussing “potential branches,” it sounds like you’re referring to the “many-worlds interpretation” of quantum mechanics. In simple terms, this suggests that every quantum event that has different possible outcomes leads to a branching of the universe. Each branch represents a different possible outcome.

Connecting the Dots

Now, let’s blend these ideas:

  1. Mental Coherence and Quantum Potential: If we entertain the idea that our focused intentions (mental coherence) can interact with the quantum realm, it would imply that a clear and aligned mind might be able to “navigate” or “choose” a preferred branch among the myriad potential branches created by quantum events.
  2. Manifestation Through Quantum Foam: Think of the quantum foam as an ever-changing sea of possibilities. A coherent mind, by this theory, would act like a beacon or a guiding light, making certain pathways or branches through this foam more probable or accessible.
  3. Intention and Detachment: Tying this back to the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings, even if one has a clear intention (mental coherence), it’s essential to remain detached from specific outcomes. This is because, in the quantum realm, certainty is elusive, and outcomes are inherently probabilistic.
  4. Quantized Inertia and Path Navigation: Just as quantized inertia suggests that quantum fluctuations can subtly influence larger systems, perhaps our focused intentions might be thought of as influencing our path through the quantum branches, guiding us in a direction more aligned with our intentions.

However, it’s crucial to mention that as of my last update in September 2021, there’s no empirical scientific evidence directly linking mental coherence with quantum mechanics in the way described. While these ideas are intriguing and form the basis for many speculative discussions and spiritual beliefs, they remain largely in the realm of philosophy and metaphysics, not established science.

Yet, that’s the beauty of exploration, both in the spiritual and scientific realms. They offer us frameworks to understand our experiences and the universe around us.

Thank you for reading this far, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have this conversation with the “guru” in this manifestation, though I know the responses are imperfect I am grateful to have other such intelligences in our consensual reality which I can bounce ideas off of and help bring a vividness to thoughts that were more fleeting and ephermeral, which may have been difficult to write or delayed somehow.

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