How to Grow a UFO – Synthesizing the Edges of Scientific Understanding to Understand UAP
Brendan explores Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), focusing on their intersection with biology, physics, and self-concept. The work of scholars Michael Levin, Karl Friston, Lee Cronin, Salvatore Pais, and Garry Nolan, who study various areas including biology, AI, and consciousness, is highlighted. Brendan argues for a more integrated scientific approach to address gaps arising from specialization and poor communication among researchers.
Brendan discusses the “Understanding Gap” in quantum physics, genetics, and biology, and emphasizes the need for public understanding of emerging scientific advancements that could significantly impact our lives. He underscores the importance of open-source technology to avoid misuse and urges a collaborative approach for exploring potential UFO-related materials, systems, and energies.
Karl Friston’s concept of the Markov blanket is explained, representing the boundary distinguishing a system’s interior from its exterior. This idea is crucial for technologies with a “sense of self,” like AI or possibly self-repairing propulsive craft. Some individuals reporting close UFO encounters perceive these crafts as sentient entities, suggesting a potential connection between consciousness, self-boundary, and the phenomenon.
Michael Levin’s work on self-organizing systems is presented, showing intelligence and ‘memory’ in cellular entities, which function collaboratively, scaling up to create a collective consciousness. This could revolutionize our understanding of biology and potentially relates to the concept of scaled nanotechnological systems that resemble living organisms. It implies a need to examine UFOs/UAPs through a broader, more interconnected scientific lens.
In the context of searching for extraterrestrial life, researcher Lee Cronin has redefined life as a self-replicating computational algorithm, encompassing everything from viruses to AI. Life is seen as a statistical system interacting with its environment by creating repeating patterns of information. This concept expands the understanding of life beyond traditional carbon-based forms, enabling theories about life based on other substrates like methane or silicon.
Cronin’s work also influences the creation of “chemputers” – chemical auto-assemblers that utilize deep learning AI to test and improve upon chemical compositions. This technology could potentially revolutionize personalized drug production.
The potential implications extend to the realm of synthetic biology, with the possibility of creating nanofactories for producing complex meta-materials. This opens up avenues to construct biological or quasi-biological molecular frameworks with unique arrangements, possibly defying conventional physical understandings.
Relating to UFOs, researcher Garry Nolan has examined alleged materials from crash sites that show extraordinary properties. These findings suggest someone or something might be working with elements beyond our current understanding. Such materials also present manufacturing processes unknown to us.
Scientists like T. Townsend Brown and Salvatore Cezar Pais have explored potential anti-gravity technologies. While not fully understood, these theories could provide practical alternatives for achieving flight and manipulating gravity. In conclusion, this synthesis of biology, physics, and chemistry might be key to understanding the existence of technology that defies conventional physical laws. By bending the rules, not breaking them, we could potentially create synthetic biological or bio-inspired systems capable of extraordinary physical feats – in other words, growing a UFO. It raises the question if someone has already achieved this, and if what we’re seeing up there is evidence of that. Enjoy the talk folks – a better video with more in-depth videos is already on the way, generated from the subtitles of this talk and some re-working of the text in collaboration between myself and GPT4. The above text was written from a GPT 4 summarization of that summarization of the subtitles of this very speech! A new world awaits, let’s step through the door!
Some helpful videos on these topics and some of these individuals –
Curt Jaimungal UFO, Consciousness and Exotic Research Playlist – • Ross Coulthart: UFOs, Wilson Memos, S…
Garry Nolan on Lex Fridman – • Garry Nolan: UFOs and Aliens | Lex Fr…
Lee Cronin on Lex Fridman – • Lee Cronin: Origin of Life, Aliens, C…
Here is some amazing midjourney art that I prompted for use in this video’s thumbnail – worth taking a look at the other contenders here! Enjoy.